
Sonic unleashed ps2 slippery controls
Sonic unleashed ps2 slippery controls

(Note: From what I can tell, the light/dark balance on the Wii video is fine, but the 360 video is waaaay too dark, that's just the video or TV, not the game)

#Sonic unleashed ps2 slippery controls full

Levels that are full of rich colours on the 360 version are somehow dull on the Wii This is my opinion on what's bad about the Wii version. I have the Wii version and the 360 version, and every time I go back to playing the Wii version to see if I like it a little bit more than before, I always remember why I didn't like it the first time and I just go back to the 360 to cheer me up. While I have never played the Wii version, videos I've seen make it look extremely boring and unpolished, while the 360 version not only looks tons better, the controls feel great and I can't really imagine it playing any better on the Wii. I can never understand people liking the Wii version over the 360 version, I just don't get it. It almost sounds like something Hillary from IGN would type up. The control does feel slippery at first but it's much better that way once you get used to it, the rest of your post is a bunch of BS. That's the biggest lie I have read in a long time. No matter how well I time my drifts in the Xbox 360/PS3 version I never make it round the turn properly/fall off the edge. I agree drifting isn't as accurate as in the Wii/PS2 version. The trigger buttons(LT and RT) can be used for drifting instead of holding analogue stick left/right and B. The 2 shoulder buttons you mentioned that are used in the QTE(LB and RB) are used in gameplay, they are used for side stepping left and right when running. So when I go there again, I'll try the other lvls. Its still good and worth the $50-60, the Wii ver is also a must buy, so im still mixed. I found the Wii ver better in lvl design(sides platforming) and other things. I know it gets better on the way, but come on! Honestly, im mixed with this. OK, I played the demo of Unleashed 360 at a local gamestop and to be honest, whats so great? Turning is slippery, There was WAY TO FEW enemys, HA is fine, jumping feels slow when you go foward, Boosting is fine(Should of made it like the Wii/PS2 ver though, it gives a limited and much more fun experience), And it felt to slow, the Blur made it LOOK fast, but it wasn't really fast, and the worst, TOO MANY BUTTONS! I understand the 360 has alot of buttons, but the 2 other sholder buttons aren't used besides QTE, I enjoy few buttons but they should of just left out those 2 shoulder buttons.

Sonic unleashed ps2 slippery controls